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DAVEB Da Vinci European Biobank | Area Infrastrutture e Servizi per la Ricerca

Access Rules

Request for biological samples (and related data) can be submitted by:

  • internal users (UI), i.e. the research groups of the University of Florence,
  • external public users (UEpu), i.e. research groups of "public" entities other than the University of Florence,
  • private external users (UEpr), i.e. "private" natural or legal persons and private entities.

The request can be made by anyone interested in using the biological samples (and data) for scientific research purposes.

After browsing the public daVEB database available both in the BBMRI and BBMRI-ERIC directory, applicants should contact the biobank to get more information, and then fill in the form "Sample distribution for research purposes" describing types and number of the required samples, scientific project, project sustainability, expected results, ethics aspects etc... and send it following the instructions contained therein. 

The daVEB Scientific Committee will consider the proposed study for approval, referring to the original authorization to sample transfer in the daVEB repository.

In case of positive evaluation, an economic quotation is sent (covering shipping and partial cost recovery). No patient samples or data are sold for profit.

last update: 23-Sep-2020
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